You are a middle-aged father of two girls; an eighteen-year-old high school student, Elle Fanning, and a twenty-year-old college student Dakota Fanning.
By dint of some unknown magic, today you will get to fast-forward through one whole year of your life, stopping at key points to make important choices in your role as a father.
Every choice you make will affect the ending.
With that in mind, go forth and shape your destiny.
Good luck!
It's 10pm on a Friday. Your wife has traveled to go visit her parents so it's just you and the girls.
A) Stay up late jerking off to videos from your favourite pornstar, Remy Lacroix.
B) Put your horniness to one side and go to sleep at a reasonable hour so you can wake up early and surprise your two daughters by making them their favourite breakfast; pancakes!

Your daughter's college wants to build a new campus library and is seeking donations. You are reasonably well off so you can afford to give generously.
A) Donate $10,000. As a result, you get the right to name one of the small study rooms in the new library. You decide to name it after your daughter Dakota which she's absolutely over the moon with once she finds out.
B) Fuck that; this college has plenty of endowment money that it can use to fund the building. Instead, spend the money going to your favourite strip club every week for the whole year, enjoying a private dance from Jessica Biel each time.

The school is looking for a new coach for their girls' soccer team but so far they're having a lot of trouble finding a suitable candidate that they can also afford. You could do it since you have extensive playing experience from back in your younger days when you were a promising player whose career was cruelly cut short by injury.
A) Step up and offer to coach the team for free.
B) Ignore their need and instead spend your time attending diving meets that your daughter's college participates in. Sure, your daughter isn't even on the team but Saylor Hawkins is. After a couple of months of showing up to support (ogle) her, you finally get a chance to strike up a conversation with this walking wet dream. It goes well and, later that day, you find yourself in the changing rooms clapping her cheeks!
You work in the Finance Department of a medium-sized company. As someone fairly senior in the organisation you have a number of direct line reports that you manage.
A) Be kind and patient, going out of your way to mentor and nurture these younger employees who report to you.
B) Be distant and cold with these youngsters, spending the bare minimum amount of time interacting with them. Focus on building rapport with your superiors such as Natalie Dormer. Eventually, Natalie and you become real close to the point she often has you "working late" to fuck her in her office.

The Church that you attend always holds its sermon at 1pm on a Sunday, which naturally means that it often clashes with the baseball.
A) Record those games and dutifully attend church, watching them back later in the day even if it means you sometimes have to deal with spoilers.
B) Missing Church every once in a while is not the end of the world. Go to your favourite sports bar to watch the games. Bet Charlotte McKinney that the Dodgers will win. When they do, she has to let you jerk off onto her face and take a photo of her smiling covered in your cum.

Your wife's parents have just broken up. Devastated, your mother-in-law Hannah Waddingham can't bear to be alone in her house. She asks if she can stay in yours.
A) Despite her being kind of annoying and the two of you not really getting on all that well over the years, you reluctantly say yes. When she moves in, you're courteous and do your best to show empathy toward her since you know she's going through a tough time.
B) Under the guise of not wanting to "pick sides", you politely decline. In reality, out of the two of them, you much prefer your father-in-law and you're secretly glad he finally got the courage to start divorce proceedings. To make sure he doesn't backslide and go grovelling back to Hannah, you organise a fake "work trip" which is just an excuse to take him on a vacation to Las Vegas where the two of you spend five days drinking, gambling and fucking hookers Emily Ratajkowski and Vanessa Hudgens together.

Bryce Dallas Howard is an old friend from a parenting group. She texts you asking for advice on how to handle her eighteen-year-old daughter suddenly dressing like a complete slut and hanging out with a bunch of different random fuckboys.
A) Tell her that the worst thing she can do is try and force her daughter to not dress a certain way; once you make something forbidden, you make it more likely that a teen rebel will do it. Instead, advise her to herself start dressing like a slut and be seen going out with many different men. This will instantly make it uncool and her daughter will rebel by going back to being a good girl.
B) Pretend like you don't have any idea what the right course of action is. Track down her daughter Madelaine Petsch, act like a "mysterious bad guy" and seduce her. Fuck her in an alley outside a seedy bar beside a dumpster. Take her hard in her ass and make her clean your cock afterwards, then spit on her face and make her walk home to her mom looking completely dishevelled.